Demistol – Your specialist for professional cleaning agents
Are you looking for quality and yet affordable cleaning products for your company? Do you want to use a cleaning solvent manufacturers work together, you highly effective cleaning concentrates for the most diverse purposes makes available to you good advises and motivated, and reliable? Then you are at the Demistol in the best of hands. If workshop, machines, containers, trucks, office, kitchen or sanitary area: if you can find DEMI STOL effective and highly effective cleaning agent for all surfaces.
Concentrates for Trade & Industry
Did you know that commercial cleaning agents up to 85 percent from simple Water? You will therefore receive for demi stol yield cleaning concentrate for an attractive price. In just one tank cleaning concentrate has so much cleaning power as in eight to ten conventional cleaners. So you not only save costs for additional packaging material, it will also not be unnecessarily water transported. This pleases not only your wallet, you also help our environment.
Special cleaner for every occasion
Demistol is committed to the needs of its customers in the eye, in order for all challenges the suitable cleaning agents available to you. The cleaning products of Demi Stol will for this reason always developed and there will be a wide plate of special cleaners for various cleaning inserts are offered. In addition, Demistol them to an individual product series to develop tailored to your needs and requirements.
Cleaning Accessories for Professionals
A thorough cleaning depends not only on the level of the purely ings forces. The quality and efficiency during the brushings used cleaning products play a crucial role for a basic income. The universal cleaner to the special cleaner – Cleaning professionals rely on effectiveness and a good price-performance ratio. Finally, at the end of a cleaning not only all hygienically clean and re-rays as new, the cleaning agents should also be affordable.